Unlocking Financial Returns: The Power of Data Monetization

Data Monetization


Data Monetization refers to the generation of financial returns from data assets. It encompasses transforming raw data into actionable insights that drive economic value for the organization.

The Two-Step Process:

  1. Value Creation:
    • Goals: Streamlined processes, optimized supply chains, enhanced employee satisfaction, and products that delight customers.
    • Data-Insight-Action Process: Data is used to develop insights, informing actions that generate value.
  2. Value Realization:
    • This involves transforming created value into financial returns, ensuring that every initiative contributes to the bottom line.

Research Insights:
High-performing organizations generate 10% more revenue from data monetization compared to their low-performing peers.

Creating Value from Data:

The data-insight-action process occurs when people or systems use data to develop insights that inform actions, generating value.

Challenges in Value Realization:

The second step can be tricky, often requiring the elimination of "slack" that arises from data monetization initiatives that do not contribute directly to the bottom line.

Three Approaches to Data Monetization

  1. Improving:
    • Value-Creating Process: Enhances internal processes and efficiencies.
    • Value Realization Process: Cost savings and productivity gains.
    • Accountable for Outcomes: Operational managers.
    • Key Risks: Process improvements may not lead to significant financial gains if not well-executed.
  2. Wrapping:
    • Value-Creating Process: Adds data-driven features and experiences to existing products.
    • Value Realization Process: Increases product attractiveness and customer satisfaction.
    • Accountable for Outcomes: Product managers.
    • Key Risks: Added features may not translate into higher sales or could increase complexity and costs.
  3. Selling:
    • Value-Creating Process: Develops new data-based products or services.
    • Value Realization Process: Generates direct revenue from selling information solutions.
    • Accountable for Outcomes: Sales and marketing teams.
    • Key Risks: Market demand might be lower than expected, leading to lower sales than projected.

Research Findings:

  • Improving: 50%
  • Wrapping: 33%
  • Selling: 19%


Data investments can inadvertently make an organization more costly to run if there is no one ensuring that the value is both created and realized. It's crucial to have a clear strategy and accountable leadership to ensure that data initiatives contribute to financial returns.

Questions to Ask Yourself

What kind of value do you frequently create with data?

Do you know if it made it to the bottom line?

Can you think of an opportunity for each of the three methods in your organization? (Improve, Wrap, Sell)

Is the term "data monetization" acceptable to use in your organization, or does it have some unethical associations?

Book Reference

For a deeper understanding, refer to Data is Everybody’s Business: The Fundamentals of Data Monetization by Barbara Wixom, Cynthia Beath, and Leslie Owens.

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