PepsiCo's Demand Accelerator: Revolutionizing Retail Partnerships with Data Wrapping

Data Monetization

PepsiCo has emerged as a pioneer in leveraging data to enhance its marketing services and strengthen its retail partnerships. Through its innovative Demand Accelerator program, PepsiCo has developed integrative, data-driven marketing services that have not only earned several industry awards but also played a key role in its data wrapping efforts. This blog post explores how PepsiCo's Demand Accelerator has revolutionized its approach to data and retail partnerships, with a spotlight on a notable collaboration with the C&G retail chain.

The Power of Data Wrapping in Demand Accelerator

Data Wrapping involves embedding data and analytics into products and services to create additional value for customers. PepsiCo's Demand Accelerator exemplifies this concept by using data to anticipate customer needs, adapt marketing strategies, advise retail partners, and enable swift actions. Here’s how PepsiCo has leveraged Data Wrapping to drive growth and innovation:

Integrative, Data-Driven Marketing Services

PepsiCo’s Demand Accelerator was designed to provide retailers with advanced, data-driven marketing services. By integrating vast amounts of data from various sources, PepsiCo could offer personalized and effective marketing strategies that significantly boosted product sales and customer engagement.

Earning Industry Recognition

The success of the Demand Accelerator program has not gone unnoticed. PepsiCo's innovative use of data has earned several industry awards, highlighting its leadership in data-driven marketing and retail partnerships.

Case Study: Transforming Fountain Drink Offerings with C&G Retail Chain

One of the most compelling examples of PepsiCo’s Demand Accelerator in action is its collaboration with the C&G retail chain. PepsiCo used its data wrapping capabilities to transform how C&G offered its fountain drinks, resulting in a significant impact on both demand and the retail partnership.

The Approach

PepsiCo provided the program to C&G free of charge, using advanced data analytics to offer insights and recommendations on how to optimize their fountain drink offerings. This program not only drove higher demand for PepsiCo products but also strengthened the partnership with C&G.

The Results

The data-driven insights helped C&G to better understand customer preferences and optimize their product assortment, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. The success of this initiative demonstrated the power of data wrapping in driving mutual benefits for both PepsiCo and its retail partners.

Advancing Data Science Capabilities

The success of the Demand Accelerator program also marked the launch of PepsiCo's more advanced data science capabilities. Recognizing the potential of data-driven insights, PepsiCo invested in hiring new experts and building a robust data science team.

Growing into Data Monetization

Over time, these capabilities grew into more advanced data monetization strategies. The number of applications and use cases expanded, leading to the development of a comprehensive suite of tools named Pepviz. This suite helps retailers optimize their store assortments and product sales, providing them with actionable insights and data-driven recommendations.

The Evolution of Pepviz

Pepviz is a testament to PepsiCo’s commitment to leveraging data for mutual growth. This suite of tools offers retailers powerful analytics to:

  • Optimize Store Assortments: By analyzing sales data and customer preferences, Pepviz helps retailers curate their product offerings to maximize sales.
  • Enhance Product Sales: Pepviz provides actionable insights that enable retailers to make informed decisions on promotions, pricing, and product placement.

Creating Value through Data Wrapping

PepsiCo’s Demand Accelerator and Pepviz demonstrate the immense value that can be created through effective Data Wrapping. By integrating data into their marketing services and providing valuable insights to retailers, PepsiCo has been able to:

  • Enhance Customer Experience: Personalized and relevant product offerings improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Drive Customer Engagement: Data-driven insights and recommendations increase customer engagement and sales.
  • Strengthen Retail Partnerships: Collaborative efforts and shared insights foster stronger relationships with retail partners.


PepsiCo's Demand Accelerator is a shining example of how data wrapping can transform retail partnerships and drive business growth. By leveraging data to create integrative, data-driven marketing services, PepsiCo has not only earned industry recognition but also significantly enhanced its retail partnerships. The evolution into advanced data science capabilities and the development of Pepviz further underscore PepsiCo’s commitment to innovation and value creation through data. As the consumer goods market continues to evolve, PepsiCo's approach to data wrapping will undoubtedly serve as a benchmark for leveraging data to drive mutual growth and success.

Book Reference

For a deeper understanding, refer to Data is Everybody’s Business: The Fundamentals of Data Monetization by Barbara Wixom, Cynthia Beath, and Leslie Owens.

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