Monetizing Your Data: A Day-to-Day Business Activity

Data Monetization

Monetizing your data should be as integral to your daily operations as any other routine business activity. Just as you expect a return on investment (ROI) from your marketing, production, and human resources expenditures, your investments in data assets, data monetization capabilities, data-related initiatives, and data-domain connections should also yield tangible financial benefits.

Data Monetization: More Than Just a Buzzword

Data monetization isn't just a trend; it's a strategic necessity. Organizations can derive value from their data through three primary avenues: Improving, Wrapping, and Selling.

  1. Improving: Utilizing data to enhance internal processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.
  2. Wrapping: Adding data to existing products to enhance their value and create new, innovative offerings.
  3. Selling: Directly selling data or insights derived from data to other businesses or customers.

These strategies rely on a robust set of capabilities and a culture that thrives on collaboration between data experts and domain experts.

The Five Essential Data Capabilities

To successfully monetize data, organizations need to develop and nurture five key capabilities:

  1. Data Management: Ensuring data is accurate, accessible, and secure.
  2. Data Platform: Building and maintaining the infrastructure to store and process data.
  3. Data Science: Applying advanced analytical techniques to derive insights from data.
  4. Customer Understanding: Leveraging data to gain deep insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  5. Acceptable Data Use: Ensuring ethical and compliant use of data.

These capabilities are the bedrock of any successful data monetization strategy. However, they must be complemented by strong connections between data and domain experts to truly unlock their potential.

The Five Data-Domain Connections

Effective data monetization requires seamless collaboration and knowledge exchange between data professionals and domain experts. These connections facilitate learning and ensure that data initiatives are aligned with business goals. Here are the five crucial data-domain connections:

  1. Embedded Experts: Placing data experts within business units to ensure data-driven decision making.
  2. Multidisciplinary Teams: Forming teams with diverse skills to tackle complex data problems.
  3. Advisory Services: Providing expert guidance on data-related initiatives.
  4. Shared Services: Centralizing data services to improve efficiency and consistency.
  5. Social Networks: Creating informal networks to share knowledge and best practices.

By fostering these connections, organizations can ensure that data insights are effectively translated into actionable business strategies.

Crafting a Data Monetization Strategy

A well-defined data monetization strategy communicates specific investment choices and aligns them with the organization's overall business objectives. This strategy should include:

  1. Investment Priorities: Identifying which data assets and capabilities to invest in for maximum ROI.
  2. Implementation Roadmap: Outlining the steps needed to build and enhance data capabilities.
  3. Performance Metrics: Establishing KPIs to measure the success of data monetization initiatives.
  4. Cultural Integration: Promoting a data-driven culture and encouraging collaboration across departments.
  5. Compliance and Ethics: Ensuring data practices comply with legal standards and ethical guidelines.

Strategy Archetypes for Data Monetization

Depending on your organization's goals and resources, different data monetization strategies may be more appropriate. Here are four archetypes to consider:

  1. Operational Optimization: Focuses on using data to streamline operations and reduce costs.
  2. Customer Focus: Leverages data to enhance customer experience and drive sales growth.
  3. Information Business: Centers on creating new revenue streams by selling data or data-derived insights.
  4. Future Ready: Emphasizes building advanced data capabilities to prepare for future opportunities and disruptions.


Monetizing data should be viewed as a fundamental business activity, integral to your organization's daily operations. By developing the necessary data capabilities, fostering strong data-domain connections, and crafting a clear data monetization strategy, your organization can unlock the full value of its data assets and achieve significant financial returns.

Remember, the journey to effective data monetization is continuous and evolving. As your data landscape and business environment change, so too should your strategies and capabilities. Stay agile, stay informed, and most importantly, stay committed to leveraging data as a strategic asset.

Book Reference

For a deeper understanding, refer to Data is Everybody’s Business: The Fundamentals of Data Monetization by Barbara Wixom, Cynthia Beath, and Leslie Owens.

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